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Chinese Feb 17

Vocabulary from private lessons

Vocabulary from private lessons

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 234
Language English
Category Chinese
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 15.02.2017 / 24.09.2018
Licencing Not defined
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费用 fèi yonɡ

No electricity / no water (break-down)

停电/ 停水 tínɡ diàn / tínɡ shuǐ

Take a shower

洗 澡 xí zǎo

Get fired

被 辞退 / 被 炒 bèi cí tuì\ bèi chǎo

Punished to clean up the toilets

被罚收拾厕所 bèi fá shōu shi cè suǒ

Be cheated

被骗 bèi piàn


西班牙语 xī bān yá yǔ

() , . !

括号()逗号,句号。感叹号! kuò hào ( ) dòu hào , jù hào 。 ɡǎn tàn hào !