ICG Chapter 1 Introduction
Questions about the lecture 'Infinte computations and games' of the RWTH Aachen Chapter 1 Introduction
Questions about the lecture 'Infinte computations and games' of the RWTH Aachen Chapter 1 Introduction
Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 20 |
Language | English |
Category | Computer Science |
Level | University |
Created / Updated | 05.02.2017 / 13.10.2017 |
Licencing | Not defined |
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What is the characteristic?
Theory of regular languages and finite automata on finite words // FoSAP
What is the characteristic?
[now.motivation, 3]
1. Theory of regular languages and finite automata on (one-sided) infinite words
2. Automata on infinite trees
3. Games of infinite duration
List the reasons!
[why.now.motivation, 3]
1. Model executions of non-terminating systems
2. Represent real numbers with infinite words
3. Decision procedure for logics on infinite structures
List them!
[executions.why.now.motivation, 3]
1. One execution is a infinite word
2. All executions are a infinite tree
3. Interaction with environment is a infinite game
What happened 1960?
Decision problems in logic and circuit design
What happened 1962?
Program synthesis and Church’s problem
What are the characteristics?
[1962.history, 2]
1. Running program generates a non-terminating sequence of output beta from input alpha signals
2. Task is to automatically synthesize a program from the specification phi(alpha,beta)
What happened 1969?
View Church’s problem as game between player input and player output