Premium Partner

Strategic Finance

SBD Finance

SBD Finance

Kartei Details

Karten 41
Sprache English
Kategorie Finanzen
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 27.10.2014 / 07.03.2018
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Areas of Commitment

- Customer orientation

- Competitor orientation

- Company (Working as a team

Benefits of strong market orientation?

Long- & Short-run

- Long run: Long run survivability

- Short run:

1. Delivering higher levels of customer satisfaction --> creation of "Customer Value"
2. Delivering higher profits --> creating of "Shareholder Value"

Customer and Shareholder Value help to Ouperform the competition

Customer Retention - Determinants?

- Customer Satisfaction

- Alternatives

- Costs of Switching

(The more alts and lower the cost of switching for the consumer, the more important satisfaction will be to retention)

Ultimate Objective towards customers?

Attract --> Satisfy --> Retain (if successful: produce above average profits)

Customer Life (N)

\(N = {1 \over 1-CR}\)

Customer Retention (CR)

\(CR = 1 - {1 \over N}\)

Present Value (PV)

\(PV = {C \over {(1+i)^n}}\)

i = interest
n = # of years
C = Future amont of $

Customer Relationship Management

Which are loyal?

Which to persue?