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Pro Tools



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Kartei Details

Karten 132
Sprache English
Kategorie Übrige
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 13.03.2014 / 05.05.2019
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Describe two ways to make an Edit selection using the Selector tool. How  can the Selector tool be used to easily select an entire clip?

a) Click and drag across the area that you want to select


Click once to define starting point, then Shift-Click to define Ending Point.

b) Double Click with Selector Tool selects entire Clip.

When was the first Mbox audio interface introduced? Was this before or after Avid acquired M-Audio?

2002 before


What hat does the term MIDI stand for? How is MIDI data different from the data stored in an audio file (See page 144.)

Musical Instrument Digital interface


MIDI data does not represent sound waves.

it represents information about a performance such as the pitch, duration, volume and otder of notes to be played

How can you adjust the input level going to a record-enabled track?

Can you use the Volume Fader to achieve a strong signal going to disk? (See page 114.)

External pre-amp


What are some operations that the Separate Clip command can be used  for?

- Split clip in two seperate clips

- seperate selection from parent clip -> creates new clip

- create multiple new clips from selection

1. What does the Universe view display? How can you use this view to scroll  the Edit window display? 

a) Universe view displays an overview of entire session, providing miniature representation of all material on tracks

b) - Click anywhere in Universe view to move framed area, edit will scroll accordingly. 

OR - Click and drag on the framed area, edit window scrolls in real time accordingly

How do track names affect the default names of the audio files you record in Pro Tools? (See page 118.)

File is named after the Track name (+ a sequntial number basted of the number of times you've recorded on that track)

What menu would you use to display or hide the Mix window? What keyoard shortcut can you use to toggle between the Mix and Edit windows?

a) Window>MIX