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PRIN401 - Anatomy Week 8 - Head and Neck (II)

PRIN401 - Anatomy Week 8 - Head and Neck (II)

PRIN401 - Anatomy Week 8 - Head and Neck (II)

Kartei Details

Karten 25
Sprache English
Kategorie Biologie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 19.10.2014 / 22.10.2014
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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what does cranial nerve (I), what is it called, what does it exit from, and what is it used for

olfactory nerve (I)

used for smell

exits through the cranial cavity through the cribriform plate

what does cranial nerve (II), what is it called, what does it exit from, and what is it used for

optic nerve (II)

not a true extension of brain

exits through cranial cavity through optic canal

used for vision

what does cranial nerve (III), what is it called, what does it exit from, and what is it used for

oculomotor (III)

exits through cranial cavity through superior orbital fissure


motor to most extra-ocular muscles (move eyeball)

PARASYMPATHETIC (pupillary constriction, accomodation of lens)

what does cranial nerve (IV), what is it called, what does it exit from, and what is it used for

trochlear (IV)

exits through cranial cavity through superior orbital fissure

motor to one extra-ocular muscle

what does cranial nerve (V), what is it called, what does it exit from, and what is it used for

trigeminal (V)


has 3 divisions:

V1, V2, V3


sensory from most of head, including all teeth

motor to muscles of mastication

what are the divisions of the trigeminal nerve, and where do they exit from

V1 opthalmic: exits cranial nerve cavity through superior orbital fissure

V2 maxillary: exits cranial cavity through foramen rotundum

V3 mandibular: exits cranial cavity through foramen ovale

what does cranial nerve (VI), what is it called, what does it exit from, and what is it used for

abducent (VI)


exits cranial cavity through superior orbital fissure 

motor to one extra-ocular muscle

what does cranial nerve (VII), what is it called, what does it exit from, and what is it used for

exits cranial cavity through internal auditory meatus and stylomastoid foramen


motor to muscles of facial expression

taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue

PARASYMPATHETIC (lacrimal gland, submandibular and sublingual salivary gland)