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Kartei Details

Karten 336
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Physik
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 16.05.2015 / 22.07.2020
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Clim propeller ? Cruise propeller?

Clim propeller = low pitch Cruise propeller = high pitch

 When the lift coefficient of a negatively cambered aerofoil section is zero, the pitching moment is:

How can the propeller thrust be increased ?

increase in diameter, RPM or number of blades => but also by moving the power lever forward

24537 An aircraft flying at 150kts EAS at 10000ft compared to the same aircraft flying at the same EAS at sea level will have:

Which propleller design characteristics reduce the noise level?

low blade tip speed by low RPM or low diameter

The point, where the aerodynamic lift acts on a wing is:

centre of pressure

A constant speed propeller is one which:

rotates at a constant speed by altering the blade angle

As the angle of attack increases, what makes the stagnation point on the wing's profile

As the angle of attack increases, the stagnation point on the wing's profile moves downwards.