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Phrasal verbs with "put"

Phrasal Verbs Deutsch-English English- English

Phrasal Verbs Deutsch-English English- English

Kartei Details

Karten 12
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 21.08.2015 / 21.08.2015
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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to connect a person using a telephone to the person they want to speak to

put sb through

to put sthg in the place or container where you usually keept it

put away sthg

put sthg away

to put something where it was before it was moved

put back shtg

put sthg back

- to make someone dislike something or someone

- to discourage someone from doing sthg


put sb off

put off sb

stop burning

put out sthg

put sthg out

join parts

put sthg together

put together sthg

accept without complaining

put up with sb / sthg

- postpone

- make someone not want to do something

put off sthg

put sthg off