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Lab 9 - Appendicular skeleton

Appendicular skeleton

Appendicular skeleton

Kartei Details

Karten 76
Sprache English
Kategorie Biologie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 16.02.2015 / 19.02.2015
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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What is the appendicular skeleton?

It has 126 bones and is composed of the appendages and the pectoral and pelvic girdles which attach the limbs to the axial skeleton. 

Describe the pectorial/shoulder girdles

A pair of bones that each consist of two bones - the anterior clavicle and posterior scapula. The shoulder girdles attach the upper limbs to the axial skeleton, and they serve as attachment points for many trunk and neck muscles. 

What is the clavicle?

also called the collarbone, it is a slender, doubly curved bone - convex forward on its medial two-thirds and concave laterally. IT's sternal (medial) end, which attaches to the sternal manubrium, is rounded or triangular in cross section. The sternal end projects above the manubrium and can be felt and seen forming the lateral walls of the jugular notch. The acrominal (later) end of the clavicle is flattened where it articultes with the scapula to form part of the shoulder joint. 

What is the conoid tubercle?

On the posterior surface of the clavicle, it's a projection that anchors a ligament and provides a handy landmark for determining whether a given clavicle is from the right or the left side of the body. The clavicle serves as an anterior brace, or strut, to hold the arm away from the top of the thorax. 

What is the scapulae?

Also called the shoulder blades - it is a generally triangular and commonly called the wings of the humans. 

Describe the scapulae

EAch bone has a flattened body and two important processes - the acromion and the coracoid process. The scapula has no direct attachment to the axial skeleton but is loosely held in place by trunk muscles. 

Describe the acromion process of the scapulae. 

The englarded end of the spind of the scapula - it connects with the clavicle. 

Describe the coracoid process of the scapula.

It's bead like, and points anteriorly over the tip of the shoulder joint and serves as an attachment point for some of the upper limb muscles.