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Kristal The Marketing Research Process



Kartei Details

Karten 20
Sprache English
Kategorie Marketing
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 02.06.2014 / 13.03.2015
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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The Marketing Research Process

  1. Defining Objectives (Problem definition) Most important!
  2. Designing the Research Project (erklären können!!)
  3. Data Collection
  4. Data Analysis (incl. Data Cleansing)
  5. Documentation (presenting Results)

Step 1: Defining objectives

  • Preliminary steps in the research process include forming a research problem, questions and hypotheses.
  • An hypotheses attempts to answer the research question.

Step 2: Designing the Research Project

  • The plan to be followed to answer the marketing research objectives/ problem definition.
  • It is the detailed blueprint used to guide the research study towards ist objectives including what and how you will conduct the research study.

Quantitative vs Qualitative 

Qualitative research: used to uncover consumers  motivations, attitudes and behavior

Quantitative research: research which involves data collecting from a sufficient volume of customers to allow statistical analysis

Marketing research designs

Exploratory Research

Conclusive Research

Causal Research

Descriptive Research

Long Intudinal Design

Cross Sectional Design

Single Cross Sectional Design

Multiple Cross Sectional Design

Exploratory Research

Exploratory Research( Qual.)
- Gathering preliminary (vorbereitende) information that will help to better define problems and suggest hypotheses. Redefine the Problem.

Conclusive Research: 

Provides the Information needed to confirm preliminary insights, which managers can use to persue appropriate courses of action.

Causal research ( Quant.)

Causal research ( Quant.)
 - Marketing research to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships. Describes relationship of variables. Glas Design/ Success (Nutella Glas)