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Kartographie 12

Geo 113 UZH

Geo 113 UZH

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Kartei Details

Karten 7
Sprache English
Kategorie Geographie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 19.12.2011 / 02.06.2017
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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dimensions in geography

points, lines, areas: 0D, 1D, 2D

volumes: 2.5D, 2.75D, 3D

wireframe (Drahtgittermodel), solid rendering, photorealism, stereoscopic modeling, visualisation: true 3D

+time: 4D (but also 2D + time usw...)

geo-virtual environments (GeoVes): immersive( sense of presence, like you werde really there), interactive, informationally dense, has intelligent objects: tries to mimic reality

2D: can be raster or vector, reduced from 3D

2.5D: x+y+ one z value as attribute

2.75D: x+y+ two z value as attribute

3D: three independent coordinates axes x,y,z+ value; mulitvalued: any x,y location can have repeated occurences pf z at any given locations; volumetric modeling done with voxels (volume element, similar to pixel); stereoscopic 3D: for modelling and viewing-> photogrammetry

4D: temporal characteristics of spatial phenomena; change analysis: what happened from A to B?

three spatial dimensions

3D modelling and visualisation is traditionally a photogrammetic task (but photogrammetic could also be 2.5D), today a fusion of disciplines

principles of sterescopic visions ( photographs with overllaping angles) employed to derive 3D coordinates-> often moved to GIS

sterescopic viewing (brain fuses two views from our two eyes into one) is most common in visualizing depht

disparity/parallax: lateral shift causes retinal disparity (Ungleichheit) , the consept of photogrammetry exploits to calculate 3D coordinates

but there are monocular depth cues as: occlusion (überlappung), shadowing, lightening, texturing, perspective, stereopsis, depth of field

these factors are exploited for a 3D viewing experience or an Illusion

stereoscopic visualisation:

-needs two images as inout with a lateral shift

-needs a system to separate these two images so that left eye sees left image and right eye sees the right

three spatial dimensions ( cont.)

stereo viewing trough:

-cross eyes or parallel focusing with bare eyes

-anaglyphs (red blue or red green filtering)

-polarisation: light filtering

-shutter glasses: temporal, alternate frame sequencing

-autostereo: lenticular, parallex barrier. blocks angle to a certain point


hologramms (objects are of light)

scatterd light captured and reconstructed, image changes according to viewing position and orientation

temporal dimension in cartography (depicting movement)

time as an attribute to spatial dimensions

-static representations: time stamps, flow maps, multiple views

dynamic representations: animations, interactive visualisations (e.g virtual reality environments), real time modeling and feedback (e.g. augmented (angereicherte) reality)

geo-virtual environments

virtual reality vs virtual environments

real environment-> augmented reality<->augmented virtuality<-virtual environment

virtual environment a bit braoder than virtual reality

4 Is:

Immersion (sense of presence, being there)

Interactivity (navigate, orient, request and xhange things)

Information Intensity (control level of detail)

Intelligence of objects (avatars, intelligent agents)

virtual environment: mimic tangible realiy, simulate a scenario, navigate and ineract, emplyed stereoscopic visualisation --- still a research area!



