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Drama von William Shakespeare

Drama von William Shakespeare

Kartei Details

Karten 10
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Literatur
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 07.08.2014 / 01.07.2019
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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What is the drama about?

It is about a tragedy, which is set in the kingdom of denmark.

Who is Hamelt? Describe his family situation.

The prince of denmark, and a student at the University of Wittenberg.

Father was morded by Hamlet's uncle Claudius. The queen of denmark, Hamlet's mother is now married to Claudius, the new king of denmark.


Name a few of Hamlet's characteristics and his appearance.

Hamlet is melancholy, bitter (verbittert), cynical, full of hatred for his uncle and disgust (Ekel) for his mother for marrying him.

What happens with Hamelt when he sees the ghost?

When the ghost of Hamlet's father appears and claims (behaupten) to have been murdered by Claudius, Hamlet becomes obsessed (besessen) by avenging (rächen) his father's death but keeps thninking of reasons why he should wait before killing Claudius. Then chastizes (züchtigen) himself for failing to act boldly (mutig, kühn).

Hamlet is a character of contradictions. Why?

He admires (bewundern) characters like Fortinbras and the Player King, who behave passionately (leidenschaftlich) and even violently for NO good reason. But himself he is thoughtful, reflective and philosophical.

At times Hamlet is indecisive (unentschlossen) and hesitant (zögerlich) , but at other times he is prone (anfällig) to rash (übereilt) and impulsive acts of violence (Gewalt).

Who is Claudius?

The king of Denmark, Hamlet's uncle. The villain (Bösewicht) of the play, Claudius is calculating ´, ambitious politician, adept at manipulating otger to his own ends and willing to execute (durchführung), assassinate (mördern), or murder to stay in power.

What is Claudius thinking about Hamlet's motives?

He doesn't understand Hamlet or his motives, but he is quick to perceive (bemerken) Hamlet as a threat (bedrohung) and take decisive (bestimmend) action against him.

Character of Claudius?

He does occasionally (gelegentlich) show signs of remorse (Gewissensbisse) and human feelings- his affection (zuneigung) for Gertrude, for instance, seems sincere (aufrichtig).