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Chinese with Huangyu 11.19

fu yu zi

fu yu zi

Kartei Details

Karten 14
Sprache English
Kategorie Chinesisch
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 19.11.2015 / 23.11.2015
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe    (```)
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How long do you stay in Guangzhou ?

nǐ dāi zài guǎng zhōu duō chǎng shí jiān le ?

What are you doing here ?

nǐ dāi zài zhè gàn shí me ?/nǐ zài zhè gàn shí me ?

What's the difference between the weather of today and yesterday ?

zuó tiān de tiān qì hé jīn tiān de yǒu shen me chà bié ?

What's the difference between China and Japan ?

zhōng guó hé rì běn yǒu shen me chà bié ?

The housekeep resigned , I have to find another to replace her . 

ā yí cí zhí le ,wǒ yào zhǎo rén dài tì tā 。

Please  introduce yourself .

qǐng nǐ zì wǒ jiè shào yī xià 。

The ice change to  water .

bīng biàn chéng le shuǐ 。

She becomes a beautiful woman .

tā biàn chéng le yī gè piāo liàng de nǚ rén 。