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3.5 Revision Arthroplasty

The common failure modalities of TKR

The common failure modalities of TKR

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Kartei Details

Karten 42
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Medizin
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 06.03.2013 / 06.03.2013
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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01. The most usual cause of mechanical failure is

02. Large amounts of polyethylene debris can cuse

03. What can be the consequence of malalignment or too much constraint?

04. The early signs of prosthetic loosening are

05. Radiolucent lines are not uncommon around the tibia, even in well-fixed implants.

06. Lucent lines greater than 2mm or lines increasing in size over time indicate a potential failure

07. Compressive bone strength of the proximal tibia is greatest in the :

08. The strength of femoral metaphyseal bone is generally higher than that of the tibia