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Kartei Details

Karten 9
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 28.02.2013 / 01.03.2013
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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die down

If a sound or activity dies down, it becomes quieter or less obvious

It was several minutes before the applause died down.


cut down

to do less of something or use something in smaller amounts

The government has announced plans to to cut back on defence spending by 10% next year. I'm trying to cut down on caffeine.


narrow down

to make a number or list of things smaller and clearer, by removing the things that are least important, necessary or suitable

We narrowed the list of candidates down from ten to three.


track down

to find something or someone after looking for them in a lot of different places

He finally managed to track down the book he wanted.


close down

If a business or organization closes down or someone closes it down, it stops operating

All the mines in this area were closed down in the 80's. Our local butcher is closing down.


settle down

 to become familiar with a place and to feel happy and confident in it

She quickly settled down in her new house/job/school.


rack your brains

to think very hard about...

to pick s.o. brains

to use other ideas, help from others