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For short exams

For short exams

Kartei Details

Karten 11
Sprache English
Kategorie Biologie
Stufe Mittelschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 21.08.2023 / 04.09.2023
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Hierarchical Organisation of Life

Atom, Molecule (DNA), Organelle (Nucleus), Cell (nerve cell/ neuron), Tissue (nervous tissue), Organ (brain), Organ System (nervous system), Organism (brown pelican), Population (group of brown pelicans), Community (all organisms on Florida coast), Ecosystem (Florida coast), Biosphere (earth)

Properties of life

Reproduction, Growth and development, Energy Processing, Regulation, Order, Evolutionary adaptation, Response to environment

What are the similarities between eu- and procaryotic cells?

ribosomes (synthesize proteins)
nucleoid with DNA
plasma membrane enclosing

What a eucaryotic cell has but a procaryotic doesnt

  • "true" nucleus -> nuclear envelope
  • larger (, different ribosomes)
  • membrane enclosed organelles
    • mitochondrion
    • Golgi apparatus
    • ER
    • peroxisome
    • lysosome (animal)
    • chloroplast (plant)

What a procaryotic cell has but a eucaryotic doesnt

  • no nucleus
  • smaller (ribosomes)
  • no membrane enclosed organelles

What do some procaryotic cells have?

What do some procaryotic cells have?

What do all procaryotic cells have?

ribosomes, nucleoid, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, DNA