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EN - Words



Kartei Details

Karten 7
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 18.06.2023 / 22.06.2023
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Startle (v)

To do something unexpected that surprises and somtimes worries a person / erschrecken, aufschrecken

Callous (a)

Unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people / grausam, hart, herzlos

Imperative (a / C2)

Extremely important or urgent / zwingend erforderlich, unbedingt

Nexus (n)

An important connection between the parts of a system or a group of things / Verknüpfung, Verbindungsglied

Reinvigorate (v)

To make someone feel healthier, and more energetic again / mit neuem Leben erfüllen

Inherited (a)

Received from someone who has died / geerbt

Joint (a)

Belonging to or shared between two or more people / gemeinsam