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021 02 Electrics & Electronics

Basics, Batteries, AC/DC current, Generators

Basics, Batteries, AC/DC current, Generators

Kartei Details

Karten 57
Sprache English
Kategorie Verkehrskunde
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 14.08.2022 / 17.05.2023
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Static vs. Dynamic Electricity

Static: Imbalance of electric charges within or on the surface of a material.

Dynamic: Electrons in motion.

Static dischargers (static wicks)

A plane builds up static electrical charge during the flight by friction between the air and the surfaces of the plane.
--> Static dischargers reduce the build up of static electricity by dispensing the charge into the atmosphere.

Grounding / Bonding

ACFT is statically charged due to...

  1. friction between the air and the ACFT surfaces - in-flight
  2. friction between the fuel and the fuel pumps, pipes and filters it runs through causes positive charged fuel ions to enter the fuel tank

--> ACFT parts are connected by flexible wire strips to distribute the static charge equally across the whole ACFT to keep it at similar potential.
--> On ground ACFT is grounded to dispose of the static charge


= difference of potential
--> On one side there is a surplus of electrons (=Minuspol), on the other side there is a shortage of electrons (=Pluspol)


= electrons per time

Physical current = Movement of electrons from Minuspol to Pluspol
Technical current = Movement of electrons from Pluspol to Minuspol

DC = Direct current --> For low voltage consumers, e.g. PFD
AC = Alternating current --> For high voltage consumers, e.g. generators/motors

Every conductor has a maximum allowable current. --> Depends on the material and cross section


= obstruction of the flow of electrons

Depends on...

  • Specific resistance of the material \(\rho\) (Depends on the number of free electrons)
  • Lengt L of the conductor (Longer = Higher resistance)
  • Cross section A of the conductor (Larger = Lower resistance)
  • Temperature
    • Metalls: High temperature = higher resistance (and vice-versa)
    • Semi-conductors: High temperature = lower resistance (and vice-versa)


Energy / Electrical Work

W = U * I * t [kWh]

Electrical Power

P = W / t = U * I [W]