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Integrated Assessment

lectures and notes

lectures and notes

Kartei Details

Karten 110
Sprache English
Kategorie Naturkunde
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 12.01.2022 / 20.01.2022
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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integrated assessment 

A method of anylsis combining results and models from 

  • physical
  • biological
  • economic
  • social 

sciences and interaction btw these component, in a consisten framework to evaluate the status and conseqeucnes of environmental change and the policy to respond to it 

chain of causes and effects

    • demography
    • technical progress
  • economy model
  • energy system model and agriculture model
  • atmospheric chemistry
  • climate model
  • Goal 
    • climate impact model 1
    • climate impact model 2 
    • climate impact model 3 
  • endogenous socio-economic evaluation 

cost effectiveness analysis, economic point of view 

fixing the maximum amount of tolerable climate damage and find the least costly approach to stay under that limit 

cost-effectiveness analysis, ecological point of view 

minimize climate change until a certain mitigation burden 

guard rail approach

room btw intolerable climate damage and intolerable mitigation cost 

core policy mix 

  • policies to unlock cost effective energy efficiency potential
  • carbon price to mediate action economy wide 
  • technology support policies to reduce costs for long-term decarbonisation 

disciplinary studies 

ghg concentration as input, t° change as output 

questions: impacts of t° chage? control ghg concentrations?

simple combination of disciplinary studies

results of each scientific field used as input for next one 

problem: uncoordinated assumptions