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FHNW - Medical Software Development

FHNW - Medical Software Development

Kartei Details

Karten 16
Sprache English
Kategorie Informatik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 13.06.2021 / 14.06.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Top Risk for failure in SW Development

  • Schedule (e.g. Time estimation)
  • Budget (e.g. Cost overrun)
  • Operational and Management (e.g. Resource planning)
  • Technical (e.g. Change of requirements)
  • External (e.g. Government rule change)

What are the SW Engineering knowledge areas? List 15 areas!

- SW Requirements

- SW Design

- SW construction

- SW Testing

- SW Maintenance

- SW Config Managment

- SW Engineering Management

- SW Engineering Process

- SW Engineering Methods

- SW Quality

- Common Practise

- Economics

- Computing, Mathematical and Engineering Foundations

Define Software Requirements

elicitation,negotiation, analysis, specification, andvalidation

Define SW Design

definition of the architecture, components, interfaces,

SW construction

detailed design, coding, unit testing, integration testing, debugging, verification and tools,

SW Testing

fundamentals of software testing; testing techniques; humancomputer user interface testing and evaluation; test-related measures

Software Maintenance

reverse engineering, refactoring, software retirement; disaste recovery techniques, tools,

Software Configuration Management

identification, control, status accounting, auditing; software release management and
delivery, tools