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Macroeconomics 1

Macroeconomics 1

Macroeconomics 1

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Kartei Details

Karten 99
Sprache English
Kategorie VWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 06.01.2021 / 06.01.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Recessions (or contracations)

Periods of economic downturn when output and employment are falling.

Expansions (or recoveries)

Periods of economic upturn when output and employment are rising.

Business Cycle

The short-run alternation between recessions and expansions.

Business Cycle Peak

Point at which economy turns from expansion to recession

Business Cycle Trough

Point at which economy turns form recession to expansion



A rising overall level of prices.

Drawbacks: Discourages people from saving (cash loses value over time).




A falling overall level of prices.

Drawbacks: Discourage people from spending (holding money back because it gains value over time)

Price Stability

When overall level of prices changes slowly or not at all