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Principles of Microeconomics (extension)

Extension to register of Roland Schenkel Fall 2019, @D-MTEC, Prof. Filippini

Extension to register of Roland Schenkel Fall 2019, @D-MTEC, Prof. Filippini

Kartei Details

Karten 47
Sprache English
Kategorie BWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 29.12.2019 / 29.12.2019
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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3 assumptions of the standard economic model (SEM)

  • unbounded rationality
  • unbounded willpower
  • unbounded selfishness

Phenomenas of bounded rationality

  • Framing: how a choise is presented strongly affects our decision
  • Anchoring: recently received infomration appears to be relevant for decisions
  • Status Quo: preference for familiarity, tendency to resist change
  • Sunk cost: continue to do something, just because we've already spent resources on it
  • Endowment effect: people give more value to things they own
  • Loss aversion: prefer avioding losses to acquiring gains --> explains sunk cost, endowment

Phenomenas of bounded willpower

  • Discounting/present bias: near future rewards are valued higher than more distant
  • Limited self-control: tendency to decisions that are not according to our long-run interests (e.g. eat and spend too much insead of exercise and save)

Describe bounded selfishness

People tend to act fair and seek equity in economic outcomes, altough it does not maximize their utility

Explain the circular-flow diagram

Visual model of economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms.

Production possibility frontier

Graph that shows the combinations of output that economy can possibly produce given the available factors of production (inputs) and the available technology

Positive and normative statements

  • Positive statements: statements that attempt to describe the world as it is
  • Normaitve statements: statements about how the world should/ought be

Characteristics of a Monopoly

  • One seller who controls/influences the price
  • High barriers to entry