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english words (2)



Kartei Details

Karten 86
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 16.12.2019 / 17.12.2019
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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to give someone information that is necessary or new:


(to) clue sb in

He'd been out of the country for weeks, so I clued him in on all that's been happening.


to understand or solve something:

(ergründen, herausbekommen, rausfienden)

(to) figure out

figure out how/why/what, etc. If they know the cause of the problem, they might be able to figure out how to prevent it happening again.

It takes most people some time to figure out new software.

to tell someone that you cannot see them or do something for them, or to stop someone from doing something, until a later time:

(jdm. abwinken, jdn, hinhalten, jdn. vertreiben, jdn abschrecken)

(to) put sb off

I really don't want to go out with Helen and Greg tonight - can't we put them off ?

He keeps asking me out, and I keep putting him off.

finding it very difficult to choose between two possibilities:


torn between something and something

She’s torn between her loyalty and her desire to tell the truth.

if you are struck by/with something, it seems unusual, interesting, or impressive to you


struck by something

to be or go before something or someone in time or space:


(to) precede

Kofi Annan preceded Ban Ki-moon as the Secretary-General of the UN.

It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.

an unpleasant woman who is easily annoyed and who argues a lot


an animal like a small mouse but with a longer pointed nose and small eyes

(Giftnudel, Wiederspenstige, Kratzbürste, oder SPITZMAUS)

a shrew

of excellent quality; very great:

(hervorragend, herrlich, prächtig, erstklassig)


He is a superb dancer.

Taylor scored a superb goal at the end of the first half.