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Principles of management: Part 1 Management

course at the FHNW Basel major business information technology by Schuler Brido

course at the FHNW Basel major business information technology by Schuler Brido

Kartei Details

Karten 90
Sprache English
Kategorie BWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 08.12.2019 / 02.01.2022
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Characteristics of Managers

The people responsible for supervising and making the most of an organisation's human and other resoures to achieve its goals

Characteristics of Organisations

Collections of people who work together and coordinate their ations to achieve a wide variety of goals or desired future outcomes. 

Definition of management

The planning, organizing, leading and controlling of human and other resources to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively.

What are the four essential managerial tasks?

Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling

What does the task planning constist of?

1. Deciding which goal the organization will achieve

2. Deciding what strategies to adopt to attain those goals

3. Deciding how to allocate organizational resources to pursue the strategies that attain those goals. 


In what does the task planning result in?

Strategy, a cluster of decisions about what goal(s) to pursue, what actions to take and how to use resources to achieve goals. 

In what does the task organizing result in?

Organisation structure, a formal system of task and reporting relationships, that coordinates members to achieve goals 

What does the task organizing include?


  1. Structuring working relationships in a way that allows organizational members to work together to achieve oganizational goals.
  2. It involves grouping people into departments according to the kinds of job-specific tasks they perform.
  3. Lays out the lines of authority and responsibility between individuals and groups.
  4. Decide how to organize resources, particulary human resources.