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Unit9_Lucky Break

Unit9_Lucky Break

Kartei Details

Karten 59
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Mittelschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 06.03.2019 / 20.03.2019
Lizenzierung Namensnennung (CC BY)    (bzb)
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sich den Kopf zerbrechen über, sich quälen wegen

All the way home she agonized about what she should do.

ver- , ansammeln

A large crowd had assembled outside the American embassy.

heftig bremsen

He braked sharply to avoid the dog.

hänseln, plagen, mobben

If someone starts bullying you, please let your teacher know immediately.


The company’s manufacturing capability needs to be reassessed.

jds. Urteilsvermögen trüben

Don't let your personal feelings cloud your judgement.


Janice had been a commuter for many years until she moved to the city.

Konsequenz, Folge der Armut

Research has shown that crime can be a consequence of poverty.