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4 Business Advanced English 2, SW8, OA6_Lückentext

Gelbe Wörter aus dem Text OA6

Gelbe Wörter aus dem Text OA6

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 72
Language Français
Category German
Level Other
Created / Updated 09.11.2018 / 19.08.2023
Licencing Not defined    (Modul BusEA2, ZHAW SML)
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Team members work in i... d... e...

increasingly diverse environments

in terms of age (there are more older workers), g...... (there are more women),
r....... (there are more people of color), language (there are more
languages spoken), and nationality (there are more immigrants).

gender, race

The theory is that through the i...... o.... t..... p...... greater productivity is achieved b..... t.... w......

interdependency of the parts, by the whole

One reason that teams f..... t.... m...... p...... e..... is their paralysis through u...... c.....

fail to meet performance expectations, unresolved conflict

This article focuses on the impact of culture on the p..... a..... r..... o...... c..... in teams.

prevention and resolution of conflict

Over time successful teams develop culturally distinct pathways to communicate, problem solve, make decisions, and r...... c......

resolve conflict

Most literature on teams suggests that they realize high performance levels by p..... t..... four distinct d..... p.....

passing through, development phases

The development of t..... n..... does not t..... p...... i... a v....., but is embedded i.... t.... w..... social, political and economic c.... of the day.

team norms, take place in a vacuum, in the wider context