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Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 239
Language English
Category Micro-Economics
Level Other
Created / Updated 09.01.2017 / 24.07.2018
Licencing Not defined
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Cross Border economic

activity which involves all commercial transactions between individuals, private organisations and governemnts across two or more countires.

International Business auch genannt als

Cross Border Business

Wer macht in IB mit? (5)

1. Focal Firm: Meistens grosse Firmen die erfinden, designen und produzieren der Produkte machen FDI

2. Distributor channel intermediary (Zwischenhändler): ein Logistiker und Marketing Spezialist die ihren Service anbieten

3. Facilitator (Vermittler): Jedermann mit Spezial Expertise in eg Banking /Law

4. Freight Forwarder (Fracht): arrangiert die internationalen shippings (DHL)

5. Government: ist auch aktiv im IB und bringt so Mehrwert fürs Land

Born Global Firm = ?

a young entrepreneurial company, go very fast into a foreign market, usuallywithing 3 yrs.

Born global firms target a dozen or more countries within the first few years of launching the firm.

Why do companies go interntional? [Notizen Unterricht] 8

1. competition from foreign manufacturer

2. cost pressure bc of stringent (streng) regulatory requirements and

3. volatility (Unbeständigkeit) in export

4. key customer expand abroad

5. growth trough market diversification

6. earn higher margins and profits

7. gain new ideas about products & business methods

8. more market opportunities which increases the living standard

Globalisation refers to...

.. international transactions, cooperation, competition among firms --> seek foreign customers.

Why do World exports increase?

1. new markets

2. USA/EU consume products which are produced in Asia

3. Technology canceled trade barriers

Elements of IB (6)

KW1, s 19

- Globalization of Market

 - Interenational Trade

 - International Investment

- International Risk

- Participants (firms, intermediaries, facilitators, government)

- Foreign Market entry Strategy