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Motor Learning & Rythmic Activity

Chapter 2: The Measurement of Motor Performance

Chapter 2: The Measurement of Motor Performance

Kartei Details

Karten 8
Sprache English
Kategorie Physik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 01.09.2016 / 20.09.2016
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Performance Outcome Measures

A category of motor skill performance measures that indicate the outcome or result of performing a motor skill.

Ex: how far a person walked,  how fast a person ran a certain distance, how many points a basketball player scored.

Performance Production Measures

A category of motor skill performance measures that indicates how the nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems function during the performance of a motor skill

Ex: Limb kinematics, force, EEG, EMG

Reaction time

the interva of time between the onset of a signal (stimulus) and the initiation of a response 

Ex: the amount of time between the "go" signal for a swimming sprint race start and the swimmer's first observable movement

Movement time (MT)

the interval of time between the initiation of a movement and the completion of the movement. 

Response Time

The time interval involving both reaction time and movement time; the time from the onset of a signal (stimulus) to the completion of a response

Simple RT

The reaction time when the situation involves only one signal (stimulus) that requires only one response

  • Ex: a sprinter hears verbal warning signal from starter, then hears the gun sound, which is signal to begin race

Choice RT

The reaction time when the situation involves more than one signal and each signal requires its own specified response

  • Ex: Driving a car coming to intersection with three signal each requiring different movement

Discrimination RT

The reaction time when the situation involves more than one signal but only one response, which is to only one of the signals, the other signals require no response