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LE2 Contract Law

Legal English

Legal English

Kartei Details

Karten 47
Lernende 11
Sprache English
Kategorie Recht
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 19.08.2015 / 04.01.2020
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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the person two whom a right, interest or property is transferred

Der Abtretungsempfänger




the legal transfer of a right, interest or property to another person

Die Übertragung



the person who transfers a right, interest or property to another

der Abtretende, der Zedent


to officially decide that sb should be given sth (prize, money, degree)

Belohnung, Preis, Zuschlag

breach of contract

failure to persom any of the terms agreed upon in a binding contract

der Vertragsbruch

breaching party 


the party to a contract that has failed to perform the terms of the contract 

die Person, welche den Vertrag bricht



a section of a legal document, of a contract

Die Klausel, der Paragraph, Abschnitt


something of value (money, goods etc.) given by one party to another in exchange for an act or promise; in common law this is an essential element of contract formation

die Gegenleistung, Vergütung, Entgelt