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Forensic Alcohol Toxicology



Kartei Details

Karten 29
Sprache English
Kategorie Chemie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 13.01.2016 / 07.02.2016
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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What 4 common types of cases or circumstances is forensic alcohol toxicology used in? (4p)

1. Sexual assault
2. Impaired driving
3. Assault or homicide
4. Coroner's death investigation

About 14g of alcohol is in these 3 common, "measurements" of drinks... (3p)

1. One shot (40% alc v/v, 1.5fl. oz or 43mL)
2. One glass of wine (12% alc v/v, 5fl. oz, 142mL)
3. One regular bottle of beer (5% alcohol, 12fl. oz, 341mL)

What are the 3 main focuses in pharmocokinetics, in the view of forensic toxicology? (3p)

1. Absorption
2. Diffusion
3. Metabolism or elimination

What are the 2 main focuses in pharmacodynamics, in the view of forensic toxicology? (2p)

1. Drug effects
2. Drug interactions

How is the [drug] in the blood related to the [drug] in the tissue? What does this infer? (2p)

1. [Drug]blood <--> [Drug]tissue
2. Alcohol level in blood = alcohol level in brain

What are 4 factors affecting [Drug]blood? (4p)

1. Dosage
2. Rate of "infusion"
3. Rate of metabolic break-down of a drug
4. Time since ingestion

What are 4 factors affecting ethanol absorption (by oral administration)? (4p)

1. The presence of food
2. Alcohol concentration in beverage consumed (rate minimal ~20% alcohol v/v)
3. Dosage (eg. number of drinks)
4. Rate of ingestion (eg. funnels vs social drinking)

Explain what distribution is under the context of alcohol pharmacology, and how it distributes in the two sexes. (3p)

Distribution: the delivery of ethanol to various tissues and dilutions within the circulatory system

1. Men = ~70% water content by weight
2. Women = ~60% water content by weight