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Biology Test 16.11.11

Test 16.11.11

Test 16.11.11

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Fichier Détails

Cartes-fiches 18
Langue English
Catégorie Biologie
Niveau Collège
Crée / Actualisé 14.11.2011 / 15.03.2012
Attribution de licence Pas de droit d'auteur (CC0)
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explain the word " 2000-Watt-Gesellschaft"

current world average rate of total energy

but big differences between the countries

describe two examples of organisms that live together and all profit from the partnership (symbiosis)

Example: Lichen

fungus --> water and minerals

algae --> carbonhydrate

describe two examples of organisms that live together and only one organism profit

Example1: Malaria Mücke bekommt Nahrung und kann Virus weiter verbreiten

Mensch/Tier bekommt Krankheit

Tell which properties of life have to do with which organelle

Membrane --> äussere Begrenzung, Stoffwechsel, Wasserhaushalt

Mitochondria --> Stoffwechsel, Atmung, Energieverbrauch

Chloroplast --> photosynthesis

Why are cells small?

Because they work many together in tissues which have their own work


Nucleus, enthält DNA, speichert und gibt Informationen weiter


Cell membrane --> äussere Hülle, Stoffwechsel, Abgrenzung


ribosom --> Eiweissherstellung