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Air Transport Economics



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Kartei Details

Karten 9
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Verkehrskunde
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 24.02.2015 / 17.06.2015
Lizenzierung Namensnennung - keine Bearbeitung (CC BY-ND)    (Dr. Andreas Wittmer)
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Which are the 5 factors of the Aviation System?

- Social System
- Economic System
- Political System
- Ecological System
- Technological System

What are the four main topics of aviation politics?

1. Safety
2. Fair markets (competition vs. monopolies, basic conditions)
3. Access of Switzerland to the world
4. Negative effects (noise, emissions)

Why will admittance failure still happen in the future?

look at it from a policy perspective, then people who make mistakes, will be let go --> no admittance to failure

What are basic condition differences between European and Middle East Airports?

- no taxes
- low airport charges
- 24 hour access
- more rwy capacity
- shorter point to point legs (meaning less fuel carriage leading to less fuel consumption and cost)

How can you measure direct effects?

- Amount of Jobs created / Revenue (value added)

- is created directly by any organisation working in that business

What are indirect effects?

- Value added of suppliers (e.g. Catering) / Employment of suppliers

- effect produced because of a business (e.g. Airline flying, Airport creates jobs)

What are induces effects?

- Value creation / employment multiplier effect

What are catalytical effects?
