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English: First Unit 2 - 2

English: First Unit 2 - 2

English: First Unit 2 - 2

Kartei Details

Karten 38
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 06.04.2024 / 11.04.2024
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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sich auf etw konzentrieren


I wish you’d concentrate (on what I’m saying).

spenden, mitwirken, einlegen, einen Beitrag lesiten


Have you contributed (any money) to this charity?
I’ve been contributing (articles) to this paper for many years.

sich entwickeln, entstehen, wachsen, auftreten


The plan developed slowly in his mind
He developed the habit of getting up early.
Spots developed on her face.

My brother used to develop all his own films.

jmd von etw. abhalten, ablenken, aus dem Konzept bringen


He was constantly being distracted from his work by the noisy conversation of his colleagues.

jmd. ermutigen, ermuntern, gut zureden


The general tried to encourage the troops
You should not encourage him in his extravagance
I felt encouraged by his praise.

herstellen, schaffen, machen, ausführen , bauen, erstellen


God made the Earth
She makes all her own clothes
He made it out of paper

etw. benötigen, erfordern, brauchen oder verlangen


Is there anything else you require?
You are required by law to send your children to school
I will do everything that is required of me.

etw lösen, auflösen, ein Problem lösen, ein Problem beheben, klären


The mathematics teacher gave the children some problems to solve.
That crime has never been solved.