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Woche 4

The Technological Environment

The Technological Environment

Kartei Details

Karten 11
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie BWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 17.12.2023 / 10.01.2024
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Why are humas able to controll the planet?

  • Because of the fact, that humans possess the power to collaborate in high numbers

What is a GPT (General Purpose Technology)

A digital Technology, reaching across various industries therefore important enough to have a long aggregated impact on the entire economy and society

What are three unique properties that make a digital technology a GPT?

  • Exponential
  • Digital: Product can be consumed by unlimited number of people at the same time = Non-Rival / low cost of reproduction that allows mass distribution
  • Combinatorial: Multi-functional and mutli-purpose z.B Google Maps with a link to restaurant, rezession etc. (all in one) / Network effects: The more people are using something , the more interesting it is. Example: Telephone Network. Indirekt network effect: When the value of a product or service increases as more users join not just on one side of the market but on multiple sides. (z.B. Air BnB)

What are the key player of technological advancement?


Technological Advancement come trough Research and Develpment: The following examples have the most R&D spendings per categorie

  • Industries: Chemicals, Energy, Softare/Internet, Health, Transport
  • Domains: Computing power/information technology, Robotics and automatization technology, Energy renwables, Biotech and pharma
  • Companies: Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft, Apple
  • Countries: R&D Spendings in absolute numbers:
  •  1. USA 2. China 3. Japan 4. Germany 5. South Korea
  • Most Patent Activity:
  • 1. Japan 2. USA 3. China 4. South Korea 5. Germany
  • R&D expenditures compare to GDP:
  • 1. Israel 2. South Korea 3. Switzerland 4. Germany 5. Sweden 


Made in China 2025 - What does the strategic policy plan from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) include, to move the countrys manufacturing up the value chain?

The strategy defines 10 core industries in wich China wants to achieve major breakthroughs and create globally competitive companies.

Key aspects of made in China 2025:

  • Research and innovation
  • More quality than quantity
  • Development of key industries: Energy, Transportation, ICT (information and communication technologies), robotics, biomedicine
  • Enviromentally friendly energy production and CO2 emission reduction
  • Development of core materials and industrial components to increase economic independence form foreign countries

Made in China 2025 - Example of Decarbonization of Chinas energy market

What are the advantages of th Gobi Desert Project for China / other countrys in Northeast Asia

  • Energy supply security and lower energy costs
  • Global market leadership in th field of future industries such as green energy / grid energy (Ultra high voltage technology)
  • Additional income form patents and technology export
  • Risk: Geopolitical Leverage -regional grid that includes Russia, Mongolia, North/South korea, Japan

Made in China 2025 - The 14th five year plan (2021-2025)

What are the main objectives/ Intensions of China?

  • Quality growth over speed
  • "Moderately developed" economy by 2035 (30'000 / Capita GDP)
  • Technological Powerhouse (Specific field where countrys want to push companies to a certain direction and controll the market)
  • "Dual Circualtion": Export driven growth/Domestic demand driven growth
  • Green Transfomration: Carbon neutrality by 2060

What is Chinas energy promise? (pledge)

  • By 2030 1200 GW green energy expansion
  • Emission peak by 2030 (China is by far the largest Co2 emitter worldwide)
  • Net Zero by 2060