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Foreign Policy of the EU: Central Concepts, Documents, and Institutions

based on Keukeleire, S. & Delreux, T. (2022): The Foreign Policy of the European Union, Bloomsbury Publishing. and the course "Foreign Policy Analysis of the European Union" given by Tom Delreux at Sciences Po in Fall 2023

based on Keukeleire, S. & Delreux, T. (2022): The Foreign Policy of the European Union, Bloomsbury Publishing. and the course "Foreign Policy Analysis of the European Union" given by Tom Delreux at Sciences Po in Fall 2023

Kartei Details

Karten 77
Sprache English
Kategorie Politik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 12.12.2023 / 12.12.2023
Lizenzierung Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell -Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen (CC BY-NC-SA)    (Keukeleire, S. & Delreux, T. (2022): The Foreign Policy of the European Union, Bloomsbury Publishing)
<iframe src="" width="780" height="150" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Treaty of Rome

1957; establishes Euopean Economic Community with a Common Commercial Policy, no reference to defense or FP -> internal policy with external dimension; European Commission as negotiator for external trade agreements, development cooperation;

Maastricht Treaty

1993; establishes CFSP under Title V; establishes three pillar structure (EEC, CFSP, PJCC); based on Franco-German deal after Germany's reunification: stronger Germany embedded in a stronger Europe --> internal objective (interrelational);

St. Malo Declaration

1998; UK (Blair) & FR (Mitterrand) argue for European "capacity for autonomous action, backed up by credible military forces, the means to decide to use them, and a readiness to do so, in order to respond to international crises’ -> kicking off CSDP

Lisbon Treaties

2007; strengthened institutionalisation of common EU FP: creation of HR/VP & EEAS; international legal personality for the EU; abolishment of Maastricht three pillar structure; establishes EU competences on energy, space policy


formally adopted in Maastricht Treaty 1993; not all encompassing; political solidarity cannot be enforced but must be built (intergov method); (today) based on Art. 24, 24(2), 24(3) of TEU and limits in 275 TFEU; 3 modi operandi to conduct CFSP: defining general guidelines, adopting deicisions, strengthen systematic cooperation between member states in the conduct of policy; instruments: CSDP instruments, external action (finance, trade/association agreements, see EU CBAM ), external dimension of internal policies.


formally adopted in 1999 Council Meeting in Cologne as "European Security and Defense Policy", significant preparation in 1998 St. Malo Declaration of UK & FR; rather conflict response & peacebuilding in neighbourhood, then territorial defense; no common capacity; opt out for members; variation in commitment among members; complimentary, not parallel to NATO (see "Berlin Plus" arrangements from 2002); military & civilian dimension; implementation via SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, NATO), national operational HQs of members, or EU Military Planning and Conduct Capability (EEAS)


European Economic Community established via 1957 Treaty of Rome; Common Commercial Policy, only external dimension of internal policies + trade and development cooperation; gradually becoming FP actor in 60s (first international treaties signed by EEC), e.g., Kennedy round of GATT negotiations where, for the first time, EEC members negotiated with "single voice";


created by Lisbon Treaties 2009 (Art. 18 TEU) to bridge Council and Commission; "Double-Hatted": VP of Commission, HR for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the Council; VP function vague: ‘ensure the consistencyof the Union’s external action’ (Art. 18(4) TEU); HR functions: decision making (Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee, submit CFSP and CSDP proposals, report to and consult with EP {important for budget, public support}), implementation (coordinate activities together with national MoFAs, coordinate civilian & military aspects of CSDP missions together with Political and Security Committee), external representation (represents EU in matters of CFSP, coordinates members for int. conferences), and ensuring consistency between different areas of EU's external action.