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Internationalization of SMEs

lectures and notes

lectures and notes

Kartei Details

Karten 105
Sprache English
Kategorie BWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 08.01.2022 / 17.01.2022
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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3 push factors of internationalization 

  • market expansion strategy (niche)
  • follower strategy (customer)
  • transfer production units 

internationalization, def

firm increasing its operational involvement beyond national boundaries 

5 modes of internationalisation 

  • direct and indirect export 
    • FDI: producing abroad
  • import (cusromers, resources, goods, staff)
  • international partnership
  • international incentives 
  • franchising or licensing 

uppsala model, steps 

  1. indirect exporting
  2. direct exporting
  3. own exporting 
  4. franchising
  5. joint venture
  6. wholly owned subsidiary 

uppsala model, overall idea 

firm consolidates position in home market, then expands in close neighbor countries, gradually commits in foreigh market 

uppsala model approach 

  • firm's level of commitment positively correlated to experience and accumlated knowledge from previous interactions 
    • effectuation approach: try out and see result
    • causation approach: market study 

assumptions of uppsala model

  • internationalisation is risky, managers are risk averse
  • market knowledge is driver of internationalisation
    • experimental (experience before knowledge) 
  • resource commitment defined by market knowledge and market commitment 

I-model stages 

  1. export awareness
  2. export intention
  3. export trial 
  4. export evaluation 
  5. export acceptance