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Karten 109
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Statik
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 27.12.2020 / 16.04.2024
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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What is quality?

a) Part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled.

b) The degree to which a component, system or process meets specified requirements and/or user/customer needs and expectations.

c) The degree to which a component or system protects information and data so that persons or other components or systems have the degree of access appropriate to their types and levels of authorization.

d) The total costs incurred on quality activities and issues and often split into prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs and external failure costs.


a) Is not correct: this is the Glossary definition of quality assurance.

b) Is correct: this is the Glossary definition of quality.

c) Is not correct: this is the Glossary definition of security.

d) Is not correct: this is the Glossary definition of cost of quality.

Which of the following is a typical test objective?

a) Preventing defects

b) Repairing defects

c) Comparing actual results to expected results

d) Analyzing the cause of failure


a) Correct answer. This is an objective listed in section 1.1.

b) Is not correct: this is debugging per section 1.1.2.

c) Is not correct: this is an activity within the test execution group of activities within the test process described in section 1.4.2.

d) Is not correct: this is part of debugging per section 1.1.2.

A phone ringing in an adjac ent cubicle momentarily distracts a programmer, causing the programmer to improperly program the logic that checks the upper boundary of an input variable. Later, during system testing, a tester notices that this input field accepts invalid input values. The improperly coded logic for the upper boundary check is:

a) The root cause

b) The failure

c) The error

d) The defect


a) Is not correct: the root cause is the distraction that the programmer experienced while programming

b) Is not correct: the accepting of invalid inputs is the failure.

c) Is not correct: the error is the mistaken thinking that resulted in putting the defect in the code.

d) Is correct: the problem in the code is a defect.

A product owner says that your role as a tester on an Agile team is to catch all the bugs before the end of each iteration. Which of the following is a testing principle that could be used to respond to this statement?

a) Defect clustering

b) Testing shows the presence of defects

c) Absence of error fallacy

d) Root cause analysis

Select ONE option.

a) Is not correct: defect clustering has to do with where defects are most likely to be found, not whether all of them can be found.

b) Is correct: testing can show the presence of defects but cannot prove their absence, which makes it impossible to know if you have caught all the bugs. Further, the impossibility of exhaustive testing makes it impossible for you to catch all the bugs.

c) Is not correct: this principle says that you can find and remove many bugs but still release an unsuccessful software product, which is not what the product owner is asking you to ensure.

d) Is not correct: root cause analysis is not a testing principle. 

Programmers often write and execute unit tests against code which they have written. During this selftesting activity, which of the following is a tester mindset that programmers should adopt to perform this unit testing effectively?

a) Good communication skills

b) Code coverage

c) Evaluating code defects

d) Attention to detail 

a) Is not correct: the programmer appears to be performing unit testing on their own.

b) Is not correct: code coverage is useful for unit testing, but it is not a tester mindset described in section 1.5.2

c) Is not correct: per section 1.5.2, the programmer’s mindset included contemplating what might be wrong with the code, but that is not a tester’s mindset

d) Is correct: this tester mindset in section 1.5.2, attention to detail, will help programmers find defects during unit testing

Consider the following testing activities:

1. Selecting regression tests

2. Evaluating completeness of test execution

3. Identifying which user stories have open defect reports

4. Evaluating whether the number of tests for each requirement is consistent with the level of product risk

Consider the following ways traceability can help testing:

A. Improve understandability of test status reports to include status of test basis items

B. Make testing auditable

C. Provide information to assess process quality

D. Analyze the impact of changes

Which of the following best matches the testing activity with how traceability can assist that activity?

a) 1D, 2B, 3C, 4A

b) 1B, 2D, 3A, 4C

c) 1D, 2C, 3A, 4B

d) 1D, 2B, 3A, 4C 

Traceability assists with:

• Selecting regression tests in terms of analyzing the impact of changes.

• Evaluating completeness of test execution which makes testing auditable.

• Identifying which user stories have open defect reports which improves understandability of test status reports to include status of test basis items.

• Evaluating whether the number of tests for each requirement is consistent with the level of product risk which provides information to assess test process quality (i.e., alignment of test effort with risk).

Therefore, d is correct, per section 1.4.4


A tester participated in a discussion about proposed database structure. The tester identified a potential performance problem related to certain common user searches. This possible problem was explained to the development team. Which of the following is a testing contribution to success that BEST matches this situation?

a) Enabling required tests to be identified at an early stage

b) Ensuring processes are carried out properly

c) Reducing the risk of fundamental design defects

d) Reducing the risk of untestable functionality

a) Is not correct: while enabling required tests to be identified in an early stage is a testing contribution to success per section 1.2.1, there is no indication in the question that the tester did so.

b) Is not correct: ensuring processes are carried out properly is part of quality assurance, not a testing contribution to success, per sections 1.2.1 and 1.2.2

c) Is correct: reducing the risk of fundamental design defects is a testing contribution to success per section 1.2.1. Database structure is related to design, and performance problems can be a significant product risk.

d) Is not correct: while reducing the risk of untestable functionality is a testing contribution to success per section 1.2.1, the tester here has not identified something untestable, but rather something that would result in performance tests failing


Which of the following is an example of a task that can be carried out as part of the test process?

a) Analyzing a defect

b) Designing test data

c) Assigning a version to a test item

d) Writing a user story

a) Is not correct: analyzing a defect is part of debugging, not testing, per section 1.1.2

b) Is correct: creating test data is a test implementation task per section 1.4.2.

c) Is not correct: while a tester may need to identify a test item’s version for results reporting purposes, assigning a test item’s version is part of configuration management, per section 5.4

d) Is not correct: writing a user story is not a testing activity and should be done by the product owner