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Protein Structure

Terminology relating to proteins, globular V fibrous proteins, membrane proteins, hierarchical structures, bonds involved in hierarchical structures, structure V function relationship, interesting proteins, amino acid structure, peptide bond formation, properties of amino acids, importance of R-groups, mixture polymers

Terminology relating to proteins, globular V fibrous proteins, membrane proteins, hierarchical structures, bonds involved in hierarchical structures, structure V function relationship, interesting proteins, amino acid structure, peptide bond formation, properties of amino acids, importance of R-groups, mixture polymers

Kartei Details

Karten 28
Sprache English
Kategorie Biologie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 04.01.2020 / 07.09.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Protein composition (CHNOS)

Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sulfur

Amino Acid (one, hundreds)

One amino acid is a monomer, proteins are made of hundreds of amino acid units

Di-,t ri-, tetrapeptide 

Di = 2 amino acids

Tri = 3 amino acids

Tetra = 4 amino acids 



Peptide chain with up to 25 amino acid units


Chain with more than 25 amino acid units

Protein definition

Native structure of a folded polypeptide

Denaturation definition

Process where protein looses the quaternary, tertiary and secondary structure

Zwitterion definition

amino acids in solution become dipolar ions -> NH3+ & COO- (both negatively and positively charged