Partenaire Premium

Aircraft systems

Aircraft systems

Aircraft systems

Fichier Détails

Cartes-fiches 11
Langue English
Catégorie Technique
Niveau Université
Crée / Actualisé 13.11.2019 / 12.12.2020
Attribution de licence Non précisé
Lien de web
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What material are the wings from? (A330)

What is not from cfrp A330

How many Jackinpoints?  (A330)

From Where to where are the ATA chapters in Alphabetical order?

how far is the zeropoint in front of the aircraft? (A330)

How many major aircraftzones does the  (A330) have?

what are the 8 major aircraft zones, whit Nr.?

100: lower fuselage

200: upper fuselage


400:Nacelles/ Pylons

500:Left wing

600:right wing

700: Landing gear


Was beduetet fin Nr. 

Functional item number