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Dobin 0x54_DefeatExploitMitigations_ROP.pdf

Dobin 0x54_DefeatExploitMitigations_ROP.pdf

Dobin 0x54_DefeatExploitMitigations_ROP.pdf

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 11
Language English
Category Religion/Ethics
Level University
Created / Updated 24.06.2019 / 24.06.2019
Licencing Not defined
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What does ROP stand for?

Return Oriented Programming (ROP)

What are gadgets and how are they used?

What is ROP

Smatly chain gadgets together to execute arbitrary code


  • Some sequence of code, followed by a RET

How can you find gadgets?

How to find gadgets:

  • Search in code section for byte 0xc3 (=ret)
  • Go backwards, and decode each byte
  • For each byte:
    • Check if it is a valid x32 instruction
    • If yes: add gadget, and continue
    • In no: continue

What are the characteristics of a ROP chain?

  • Call/ret's can be chained
  • Arbitraru code exectuion with no code uploaded
  • "Shellcode" consists of:
    • Adresses of gadgets
    • Arguments for gadgets (addresses, or immediates)
    • NOT: assembler instructions

What is stack pivoting?

Whatn if the ESP (Stack Pointer) does not point to our rop chain?

  • Can only execute one gadget
  • Use it to let the stack point to another memory location

If a register points to our ropchain
xchg eax, esp // change the content of the esp to the value in the eax, which points to our rop chain


If its somewhere else on the stack:
add esp, 0x100 // increment the esp to point to our ropchain

Or, in general:
mov esp, 0x12345
pop esp

Where can we take gadgets from?

  • The program code
    • Static location in memory (if not PIE)
    • Need to be of size to have enough gadgets
  • Shared library code (LIBC etc.)
    • "Universal gadget library", because its very big
    • Sadly, non-guessable base location (ASLR'd even without PIE)

What does ROP shellcode usualy consist of?

ROP shellcode usually consists of:

  • Libc calls
    • malloc() / mprotect()
  • Prepartations of libc calls
    • set up registers
    • read data to defeat ASLR
  • Skipping of shellcode arguments (pop/pop/ret)
  • And even "plain ASM (Asembler)" (e.g. jmp)

What is the problem with ROP?

  • ROP is very inefficient
  • Needs a lot of gadgets
  • Neo suitable to implement complete shellcode in it

Solution: Multi Stage Shellcode