Partenaire Premium

Grundlagen CJ

how to

how to

Fichier Détails

Cartes-fiches 500
Utilisateurs 44
Langue English
Catégorie Technique
Niveau Autres
Crée / Actualisé 14.06.2019 / 12.09.2020
Attribution de licence Non précisé
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What happens if the electrical power to the hydraulic System loading valve is interrupted?

Entering the cockpit for the Cockpit Safety Inspection the pilot is confronted with the situation below.

Mark any switch which is in the wrong switch position.

Look at the picture

Mark the correct statements

After take-off the gear is being retracted by moving the gear lever to the "gear up" position. 

What effect does this action have on the landing lights?

Entering the cockpit for the cockpit safety inspection the pilot is condronted with the depicted situation below.

Mark any switch which is in the wrong switch position.

While waiting for the take-off clearence, the DOOR SEAL annunciator illuminates.

Placing the battery switch in EMER with the generators on the line ...

The maximum cabin altitude limit valve automatically prevents the cabin altitude from exceeding ...