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Englisch Diplomprüfung Prüfungsfragen

Prüfungsfragen für Englisch Diplomprüfung

Prüfungsfragen für Englisch Diplomprüfung

Kartei Details

Karten 78
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 08.03.2019 / 29.04.2019
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Identify between language and content aim

• Language aim: learning is about language focus or developing language skills. (vocab, grammar, word order..)

• Content aim: they learn about something new in English, like history, food, animals…

explain the principles of CLIL to a school colleague, a school governor or parent.

  • All aspects of language help communicate meaning
  • Language is learnt through acquisition and by using it (focus on form/language isn’t nessecary)

Writing: Name some considerations when correcting written texts in upper primary

  • correct only what the learners already learnt
  • think about what you want to correct in advance (like third person singular s)
  • correcting individually depending on the learner’s level
  • making a criteria sheet in order to make it more objective
  • not correcting too much in order to keep the learner’s motivation

Reading: Name some considerations about reading in English in lower grades

  • Young learners may not yet know how to read in their own language.
  • They need to learn how letters join to make words and how written words relate to spoken words both in their language and in English.
  • Start with the word level and slowly work to the sentence and text level

Reading: Name 3 reading strategies for upper grade and make one concrete example in which you show how to implement one of the strategies

  • Looking at pictures and the title and think about the knowledge about that topic
  • Skimming the text first
  • Mark important utterances
  • Try to predict what unknown words mean or look them up in the dictionary
  • Ask W-questions to check what I have understood
  • Make a summary

explain the purpose of the Language focus and give examples of language analysis and language practice.

  • Language focus consists of a sequence where language which has been used during the pre-task and the task-cycle is analysed and a sequence where the learners practise the language
  • Analysing the language are around language awareness activities (looking for parallel words, C
  • In lower class this procedure isn’t always possible as they’re not able yet to think about language in a meta-level
  • Purpose: using strategies, practice new language

summarise the core aspects of the English curriculum (Lehrplan Englisch Primarstufe &) and explain the function of the level descriptors to a parent or school colleague.

  • Communicative competences should be built up
  • There are a lot of levels from the European language portfolio that show clearly where the p. stand

explain the underlying principles and approach of at least one of the course materials First Choice, Explorers or Young World to a parent.

First Choice

  • Educational approach: language is used to mean something
  • Focus on content
  • Interdisciplinary activities with other subjects
  • include activities such acting out, drawing, doing experiments and so on"


  • Content-based with interesting topics for pupils
  • 4-6 grade
  • a lot of communication
  • a lot of scaffolding
  • a lot of materials

Young world

  • 3-6 grade
  • a lot of fun activities which improve motivation and learning
  • Content based with interesting topics
  • Also language awareness
  • About developing learning strategies
  • Make them curious and open-hearted for other cultures
  • In every lesson the 4 language skills should be practiced