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I2M: Chapter 3 / 4

UniGe I2M Chapter 3 / 4

UniGe I2M Chapter 3 / 4

Kartei Details

Karten 16
Sprache English
Kategorie BWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 05.11.2018 / 08.11.2018
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Causes for a shift of the demand curve

  • Tastes and preferences
  • Income and wealth
  • Availability and prices of related goods
  • Buyer’s expectations of the future

Why does the demand curve have a negative slope?

  • Extensive margin: Newspapers: as the price goes down the number of people willing to purchase a newspaper increases (each buyer buys at most one unit).
  • Intensive margin: Soda Cans: as the price goes down individuals are willing to purchase more units
  • Both of the above: As the price of cans goes down more people buy sodas and some buyers buy more units as well.

Causes for a shift in the supply curve

  • Input prices
  • Technology
  • Number and scale of sellers
  • Sellers’ expectations about the future

Why does the supply curve have a positive slope?

  • Extensive margin: as the price for a smartphone goes up the number of students willing to sell theirs increases (each seller sells at most one unit)
  • Intensive margin: as the price for a smartphone goes up the producers each produce and sell more units
  • Both of the above: When the price goes up more competitors enter the market and certain sellers sell more units.

Formula Price Elasticity of Demand / Supply

The variable b is taken from the curve: Q = a-bP

Terminology: Elastic

If the elasticity is greater than 1, then demand is said to be elastic (ex: olive oil --> many alternatives). If the elasticity is infinite, then demand is perfectly elastic.

Terminology: Inelastic

If the elasticity is smaller than 1, then demand is said to be inelastic (ex: cigarettes --> addictive product). If the elasticity is zero, then demand is perfectly inelastic.

Terminology: unit-elastic

If the elasticity is equal to 1, then demand is said to be unit-elastic.