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Anatomy and Histology

Urinary System

Urinary System

Kartei Details

Karten 22
Sprache English
Kategorie Medizin
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 20.01.2017 / 06.01.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Urinary System - Overview 

  1.  Principle function is to maintain water, electrolyte and acid‐based homeostasis

  2. Comprises the 2 kidneys, 2 ureters, 1 bladder, 1 urethra

  3. The kidneys are the filtration units: Organ where the excess water and electrolytes are eliminated from the body

  4. Ureters, bladder and urethra form the storage and outflow tract

  5. Osmotic regulation of blood by the kidneys also regulates osmotic concentration of body fluids 

Osmotic regulation 

Als Osmoregulation wird in der Biologie die Regulation des osmotischen Drucks der Körperflüssigkeiten eines Organismusbezeichnet

Function of the Kidneys 

  1. Regulate plasma concentration of Na, K, Cl, Ca and other ions (osmoregulation)

  2. Regulate blood volume and pressure by (a) adjusting water loss, (b) releasing the hormones erythropoietin and renin

  3. Maintain blood acid-base balance

  4. Conserve valuable nutrients

  5. Eliminate organic wastes, e.g. urea, uric acid, toxic substances, drugs

  6. Assist the liver detoxifying poisons.

  7. Hormonal and metabolic function: synthesis of renin (control of blood pressure) and erythropoietin (stimulates the production of erythrocytes); and activation of vitamin D (regulation of Ca2+ balance)

  8. End product of urinary system: urine 

Placement of the Kidney

  1. Right slightly lower than the left

  2. Behind the (10), 11 and 12th ribs 


Niere betreffend

Kidney Architecture 


  1. 6‐18 pyramids, the apex (papilla) pointing into the sinus, consisting of a cortex, medulla and sinus

  2. Pyramids have grooves from the base to the apex

  3. Between the pyramids are renal columns

  4. Urine, discharged at the papilla collected in a cup‐shaped minor calyx

  5. 4‐5 minors merge into a major calyx

  6. Major calyx drains into the renal pelvis

  7. Pelvis drains into the ureter at the hilum

  8. Urine production begins in the nephron 

Renal blood supply

  1. Receive 20‐25% of cardiac output = ca. 1.2 L min‐1

  2. Renal artery from aorta abdominalis

  3. After entering the kidney at the hilum

  4. Venous system is the same in reverse, ending in the renal vein 


Als Nierenhilus bezeichnet man die am konkaven medialen Rand der Niere befindliche Einziehung, die als Ein- und Austrittsstelle sämtlicher Leistungsstrukturen der Niere dient. 

Der Nierenhilus bildet den Zugang zum Sinus renalis.