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Anatomy: Dorsal trunk (English)

The dorsal trunk is a group structures, including bones and muscles, which define the back. Those structures comprise the dorsal walls of the abdomen and thorax.

USD 19.00

The dorsal trunk is a group structures, including bones and muscles, which define the back. Those structures comprise the dorsal walls of the abdomen and thorax.

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USD 19.00

Kartei Details

Karten 145
Sprache English
Kategorie Medizin
Stufe Universität
Copyright Kenhub
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 09.06.2018 / 09.06.2018
Druckbar Ja


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Diese Kartei ist Teil der Sammlung Anatomy - Trunk Wall (English)

True ribs

Costae verae

False ribs

Costae spuriae

Body of rib

Corpus costae


Neck of rib

Collum costae

Head of rib

Caput costae

Costal tubercle

Tuberculum costae


Body of the clavicle

Corpus claviculae


Acromial facet

Extremitas acromialis


Sternal facet

Extremitas sternalis

Cervical spine

Vertebrae cervicales
